At school, we were given an article by educational news reporter, Joe Bubar, to read for homework. It was about how a lot of ugly animals are endangered because no one wants to use their money on them because they're so ugly. Ugly animals are way more endangered than cuter animals, like tigers. We were told to pretend we were writing a letter to an animal-protection organization. Here's the letter I wrote:
"To whom it may concern at the animal-protection organization,
"I believe you are doing a good deed. I love animals, I really do... which is why I don't want them to die out.
"Sure, you're saving cute, everyday animals, like dogs. But you're keeping away from the... well... ugly animals; the proboscis monkey, striped hyena, blobfish, and pangolin, to name a few. You're not saving them just because of what they look like. Whatever happened to equality under law, amendment 14 of the Constitution?
"Also, if we get rid of one type of animal, other species of animals will be affected. They could die out, too, and it would go on and on until that made plants die as well, and, case in point, we would die.
"An outraged student,
(P.S. We're animals, too! Other animals probably think we're ugly!)"
I think we should really start trying to save these poor animals. Everything in the letter is true: we could definitely die. It's definitely an option if they die out, and an option we cannot choose.
Here are images of the proboscis monkey, striped hyena, blobfish, and pangolin (in order);
